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Pitt Men's Lacrosse 2018

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
24 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on April 30, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Thank You!

May 14, 2018

Hello generous donors!


Pitt Lacrosse would like to thank you for your donations and constant support throughout the EngagePitt campaign and the lacrosse season! We are now closing our campaign for this year, and we plan on starting up again for our third year in 2019. Your donations helped raise $1890 for our team to participate in road games, hold practices every week, and compete at the highest level possible! Every donation is much appreciated and does not go unnoticed. Pitt Lacrosse is a student run organization that doesn’t receive any athletic funding from the University of Pittsburgh, so fundraising, donations, and other forms of financial income are very important to the team. Thank you again for such a wonderful campaign. Hail to Pitt!



Pitt Men’s Lacrosse Team

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This contribution is equivalent to the Battle at the Beaches tournament fee for one player. Thank you for helping us continue to play the game we love!



This contribution will cover the cost of one player’s ground transportation to one of our three trips to this season. Thank you for getting us to the game!



This is the cost of one hotel room shared by four players during each tournament. Thank you for putting a roof over our heads!


All-CCLA Team

Thank you so much! With this donation, half of one player's round trip ticket to the MCLA National Tournament can be purchased.



This contribution is equivalent to one player's plane ticket to the national tournament in Salt Lake City, Utah. Thank you for helping us take our game to the next level!


National Champion

An extremely generous donation! This will help us cover a variety of expenses including, referees expenses, trainer compensation, field fees, and CCLA dues. We are incredibly thankful for your endless support to our program!

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