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LGBTQIA+ Research & Outreach Fund

Raised toward our $6,000 Goal
16 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 02, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

LGBTQIA+ Research & Outreach Fund

Although this campaign has concluded, if you would still like to make a donation to support the LGBTQIA+ Research & Outreach Fund, you may always do so here.


Who We Are:

The Pitt LGBTQIA+ Alumni Council, the Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies (GSWS) Program, and the Pitt Queer Professionals (PQP) Affinity Group of staff and faculty are teaming up to support student work in LGBTQIA+ Studies at Pitt.

Much has happened in the LGBTQIA+ arena in recent years at Pitt. The Alumni Council has held numerous events, the PQP was formed (thanks to the Office of Diversity and Inclusion), the GSWS program began a series of sexuality and trans*-studies courses and has proposed a minor in “LGBTQ and Critical Sexuality Studies” to the administration (pending). Pitt as a school has scored a 4.5 out of 5.0 on the Campus Pride Index.

But there is work to be done!

Our Mission:

We would now like to support student projects in these areas. Many students are interested in doing research or community outreach related to HIV/AIDS, trans* adolescents, queer history, LGBTQIA+ social work and human rights, and much more. We have students who want careers related to LGBTQIA+ or who want to go on to graduate school with this focus. Therefore, we would like to start an LGBTQIA+ Research and Outreach Fund to make grants available to students who do not have the resources to do this work on their own. Our immediate goal is to raise enough funds to support three grants and three students next academic year. Students might do archival/field work, research abroad, or intern in an LGBTQIA+ organization.


The LGBTQIA+ Research and Outreach Fund will be used to provide support for undergraduate and graduate students of the University of Pittsburgh. The fund will be used for conducting research relating to LGBTQIA+ Studies including, but not limited to, research projects, internships, travel to conferences/seminars, on-campus involvement, and volunteerism.  

Please help support our efforts to encourage Pitt students to get out and get involved!

Choose a giving level



Helps to pay visa/passport fees for a student doing LGBTQIA+ research abroad.



Provides on-ground support for one day to a student doing research abroad.



Provides on-ground support for two days to a student doing research abroad.



Offsets cost of airfare to help a student travel to a research location.



Provides on-ground support to a student doing one week of research abroad or two weeks of an internship in the US.



Provides full funding to one research grant supporting two weeks of a student's work.



Funds a student’s internship for two months in the US!

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