Although this campaign has concluded, if you would still like to make a donation to support the Nurse Anesthesia Student Travel Fund, you may always do so here

Dr. Roger Flynn Legacy Fund

Raised toward our $8,500 Goal
57 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on September 26, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Roger was like no other - and we have pictures to prove it!

September 12, 2018

Thank you for supporting the Roger Flynn Fund benefitting the undergraduate students enrolled in the Pitt School of Computing and Information. A memorial was held in the Information Sciences building on Pitt Campus where Roger’s life and accomplishments were celebrated. Roger was one of a kind – here are a few of his best snapshots!


Thank you! We have a new goal!

August 23, 2018

Thank you for supporting the Roger Flynn Fund in the Pitt School of Computing and Information. Due to your generosity, we have surpassed our original $5,000 goal and are raising it to $8,500! We are in the midst of “Arrival Survival” on campus and have included a peek in the video for you. Roger was so committed to students – particularly the undergraduates. Thank you for helping to honor his memory by helping them.


His on-campus memorial service will be held this Saturday, August 25th. Please RSVP here.

Choose a giving level


Study Group

Support the weekend study group and other learning opportunities outside of the classroom in Roger's tradition.


First Assignment

Help contribute to the cost associated with student conference attendance.


Student Organization

Help pay for a student organization professional development event.



Help support Dr. Flynn’s teaching spirit to be continued in the Pitt School of Computing and Information so that students create their own legacy.



Provide funds to promising students who run into unanticipated financial difficulties that can prevent them from finishing their education and reaching their professional goals.



Help students change their communities through volunteerism as Roger changed lives by teaching prisoners in the Allegheny County Prison.

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