Although this campaign has concluded, if you would still like to make a donation to support the Nu Chapter of Theta Tau, you may always do so here

Nu Delta Chapter of Theta Tau 2018

Raised toward our $1,000 Goal
11 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 30, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

A Thank You to Our Donors

May 21, 2019

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our EngagePitt campaign!  Because of your generosity, we were able to host an amazing regional conference this past March for our surrounding chapters within the Great Lakes region.  The money raised in part through this campaign was used to provide everyone (about 100 people) with breakfast, lunch from Mad Mex (a local favorite), as well as a free t-shirt.  In fact, we raised more than enough through our fundraising efforts to make admission to this conference free for everyone- something that no other chapter in our region has accomplished before!


Despite the typical Pittsburgh weather that set in during the conference, all of our members as well as the visiting chapters enjoyed themselves throughout the day.  During the conference, we offered a variety of fraternity breakout sessions for brothers to attend which included topics such as managing chapter finances, recruitment and retention, and balancing core pillar events- brotherhood, service, and professional development.  We also arranged professional breakout sessions which allowed brothers to hear about experiences from our own professors and faculty at Pitt as well as from professionals in the Pittsburgh community.  The highlight of the regional conference was our keynote speaker, Cam Beichner, who is Chief of Staff at Four Growers- a greenhouse automation company based in Pittsburgh!


After a busy regional conference, we set aside time for our own brothers to take visiting chapters around Pittsburgh to explore the many great neighborhoods that make up our city.  All in all, our chapter had a blast hosting the Spring 2019 Great Lakes regional conference and is thankful for all of the lifelong connections we have made with surrounding chapters and brothers.  Again, we would like to thank all of our donors for their generous contributions to our campaign as the success of this conference would not have been possible without the help and support from friends and family!


Rah Rah Theta Tau!

Choose a giving level


Regional Attendance

This donation will cover regionals registration for one brother. Thank you for helping our brothers attend the conference!



This donation will supply food and drinks for one students Saturday lunch. Thank you for helping us provide meals at the conference!



This donation will pay for registration for an entire visiting chapter. Thank you for helping us reach as many brothers as possible!



This donation will pay for one visiting chapter’s parking costs. Thank you for making the travel accommodations as care free as possible!

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