A gift of $10 will buy a paperback book. One of Doc’s favorites was The Two Cultures, by CP Snow.
A gift of $25 will enable us to buy hardback books by visiting speakers like CNN’s Dr. Fareed Zakaria, author of In Defense of a Liberal Education. Books are gifted to students who agree to read in advance and take part in discussions with visiting authors.
These groups can be a catalyst for interdisciplinary exploration. A gift of $50 will fund one or two students’ participation in these lively and engaging student-led discussions.
Engaging with authors on their process and debating their arguments is a powerful experience. A gift of $125 will fund the purchase of books for a small group of students to read the work of visiting scholars like Robert D. Putnam, author of Our Kids: The American Dream in Crisis, and have the unique opportunity to discuss reactions with the author.
Too often, students cannot afford to purchase books for class. A gift of $250 will provide the opportunity for a student to purchase books and truly immerse themselves in a class.
“We know what we are, but know not what we may be” - William Shakespeare. A gift of $500 will fund a UHC Discussion Group of 10-12 students where new passions and paths may be discovered. From the biology major exploring medieval literature to the economics major discovering satire, this gift unlocks potential and new passions.
From “Medicine and Muffins,” to “Race an Ongoing Struggle,” to “Discovering Plays,” the UHC typically sponsors 5+ groups a year. A gift of $2,500 will sponsor multiple groups over the course of a year.