Although their campaign has concluded, if you would still like to make a donation to support Women's Club Lacrosse, you may always do so here.

Stacks for Pitt Women's Club Lax

Raised toward our $6,000 Goal
143 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on December 15, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners


December 02, 2019

Hello all! We are back with another EngagePitt update! Thanks to all of your support we have reached our goal of $10,000 and are raising it again to $15,000! We greatly appreciate all your support! HAIL TO PITT



Lady Panther Lax


November 22, 2019

Hello all Panther Fans! We are back with another update! In just two weeks we have reached our original goal, and now raised it to $10,000! Thank you to all who have donated and continued to support Pitt Women’s Club Lax! HAIL TO PITT!

We’ve almost reached our goal!

November 18, 2019

We’d like to send out a HUGE thank you to all who have donated to our campaign thus far! We still have a few weeks left in our campaign and are already so close to reaching our goal of $6,000!! Currently, we have raised $5,276, and we still have time left to raise even more. Every dollar we raise will be a huge help to our team in the spring season as we work towards Nationals in Round Rock, Texas! We are SO happy with how this campaign has gone so far and we truly could not do it without your help!


Pitt Lax is so grateful for all of our supporters; we would not be able to make it through our season without all of your help! Please continue to spread the word about our campaign in these next few weeks of fundraising! Thank you so much to all who have donated and supported us. We are going to be able to have a successful season in the spring because of all of your generous donations! Thank you again and as always, Hail to Pitt!


Thank you!

November 11, 2019

Family and Friends,


Just updating again to say... WOW!!! In just one week we are more than halfway to our goal of $6,000 for our 2020 Spring season! Thank you to all that have donated and shared - we truly appreciate you more than you know. There are still 35 days left to go, and we hope to exceed our goal in the coming days. Thank you for the continuous support!




Pitt Women's Club Lacrosse

Choose a giving level



This contribution is equivalent to the tournament fee for one player. Thank you for helping us succeed!



This contribution will cover the cost of one person's ground transportation during the Santa Barbara Shootout. Thank you for getting us to the game!



This is the cost of one hotel room shared by 4 players during the tournament. Your contribution means so much to us!


All-WCLL Team

With this donation, we can pay for the transportation of one player to Nationals on a plane. Thank you for your endless support. H2P!



This contribution covers one player's plane ticket to California! Thank you so much for helping us get there. We cannot put into words how meaningful this is to us.


National Champion

This very generous donation covers our team tournament fees for Nationals, including referee and trainer compensation and field fees! We are so incredibly thankful for your support, we couldn't ask for better fans! We love you!!

Our Crowdfunding Groups