Thank you for visiting! This campaign has concluded, but you can continue to support Lady Panther Lacrosse here.
Happy New Year Pitt Club Lax friends and family!!
We are so excited to share that we have completed our campaign with a total of $12,308 raised!! We were able to completely surpass our original goal because of your help! We can’t stress enough how much your donations and generosity will greatly help our team in the upcoming spring season and for future seasons. Our success is all thanks to you, our friends and family who donated! Thank you all for the support and we look forward to future fundraisers. HAIL TO PITT!
Lady Panther Lax
Hello Panther Lacrosse Fans!
We are so excited to see that we have made the huge accomplishment of raising $11,858 of our $15,000 goal! We still need your help to continue spreading the word about our fundraiser with only 8 DAYS LEFT!
As the team is studying hard for finals and finishing our fall practices, we look forward to hopefully playing games and continuing to practice in the spring.
Your donations make all the difference in helping us towards our goal of winning another National Championship! Thank you so much and H2P!
Hello Pitt Club Lacrosse friends and family!
We have officially surpassed our second goal of $10,000 with 26 days left! We want to thank all of our donors and supporters for helping us reach this goal. We could not do it without you!
Our new goal is $15,000! With your help, this is manageable with the time we have left. It would be a huge help if you continue to spread the word about our campaign by sharing the link to donate.
Anything helps, especially since we are hoping to travel and play games in the Spring. Since we are almost fully student funded, these fundraisers and donations will help support us to Nationals!
Please continue to spread the word, and thank you so much again for your donations and support! H2P!
Hello all! A HUGE HUGE thank you to everyone that donated to our campaign so far!
We have officially REACHED our goal of $6000 in less than a week!! This is amazing, and we can’t stress enough how much we appreciate everyone who has donated!! Every dollar that we raise will be a huge help to our team during the spring and future seasons and will hopefully help us to compete in Nationals in Virginia Beach! We are so, so excited with how well our campaign has gone so far, and we couldn’t have done it without all your help. We are so grateful for our supporters! Please continue to spread the word about our campaign throughout these next few weeks!
Thanks again so much for the generous donations and help! Hail to Pitt!
This contribution is equivalent to the tournament fee for one player. Thank you for helping us succeed!
This contribution will cover the cost of one person's ground transportation during the Santa Barbara Shootout. Thank you for getting us to the game!!
This is the cost of one hotel room shared by 4 players during the tournament. Your contribution means so much to us!!
With this donation, we can pay for the transportation of one player to, from, and during Nationals on a coach bus. Thank you for your endless support. H2P!
This contribution covers one player's plane ticket to California! Thank you so much for helping us get there. We cannot put into words how meaningful this is to us.
This very generous donation covers our team tournament fees for Nationals, including referee and trainer compensation and field fees! We are so incredibly thankful for your support, we couldn't ask for better fans! We love you!!