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Help Grandpa Rossy Bat a Thousand for Concussion Research

Participation Drive
99 Teammates
Towards goal of 1,000 Teammates
$5,614.00 Raised
Project has ended
Project ended on December 08, at 11:59 PM EST
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Help Grandpa Rossy Bat a Thousand for Concussion Research

Although this EngagePitt™ campaign has concluded, if you would still like to make a donation to support concussion research, you may always do so here.


Chicago Cubs catcher David Ross, AKA Grandpa Rossy, needs your help! He’s looking for 1000 people to join him and help to fund concussion research at the University of Pittsburgh. 

David’s Story

Throughout David’s career, he suffered multiple head injuries while playing the sport that he loved. But, it wasn’t until he traveled to Pittsburgh in June 2013 and met with Micky Collins, PhD at the UPMC Sports Medicine Concussion Program that he was able to start getting the answers he needed. The unbearable symptoms he was experiencing were due to concussion.  

He was relieved and inspired when Dr. Collins told him that his injury was not career-ending. His team of physicians and researchers developed a personalized rehabilitation program to help him recover. This allowed him to play an active role in his recovery while taking the necessary steps to improve his health and get back on the field.

Why Pittsburgh?

The University of Pittsburgh is a leader in concussion-related research. The program, directed by Michael (Micky) Collins, PhD, was the first of its kind when it opened its doors in 2000 and is a global leader in diagnosing, treating, and researching concussions. Each day, its physicians and researchers work together to set the standard of care for assessment, management, treatment, and rehabilitation for patients with concussions. Focusing on a comprehensive approach, the program has created a standard of care that has been adopted by other centers throughout the country. 

Grounded in evidence-based research, this approach:

  • leads to better assessment of concussions;
  • improves concussion awareness and education; and
  • helps to pioneer new concussion treatments and rehabilitation methods.

The concussion program at the University of Pittsburgh doesn't just follow best practice protocols for diagnosis, management, and rehabilitation – they create them. This program is a top source for concussion research and has produced several groundbreaking and pioneering studies – more than 200 have been published in respected, peer-reviewed journals. In order for this life-changing research to continue, funding from people like you is vital.

Your support will help to explore new and better ways to diagnose and treat concussions. Because of its nationally-recognized reputation, every new discovery made in Pittsburgh will improve the lives of individuals across the nation who have experienced concussions. 

Athletes are not the only ones whose lives can be sidelined by concussions. Don’t be a spectator. Join the team and help Grandpa Rossy bat 1000! 

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