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Float Our Boat

Raised toward our $5,000 Goal
76 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on January 07, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Looking Back on a Year’s Journey

June 29, 2016

With our newest addition to the fleet, Pitt Crew kicked off the year on a strong foot. The new eight, bought with the money ALL of YOU donated to this EngagePitt™ fundraiser last year, has played an important role in our team’s success this fall and spring season. Named in honor of Jonas Salk, the “Polio Slayer” has had quite a journey with us thus far. From its first ride at Head of the Charles in Boston to one of its most recent on Mercer County Lake winning gold in grand finals, the heavyweight men’s boat has provided us with the opportunity to race on a higher level than previous to its introduction.

We cannot thank everyone enough for their participation in our fundraising campaign. With your support, we have and will continue to do great things! Our team owes its sense of pride to the wonderful support group and Pitt community that surrounds us. Your support is essential to our team’s progress and encourages us to train harder, push farther, and race faster every day

Stay tuned for our upcoming fundraiser, which will launch in a few weeks’ time. See you on the water!


Pitt Crew


A Tremendous Start!

December 05, 2014

A huge thank you to everyone who has donated so far! It is remarkable that, in less than a week, we have already raised 20% of our goal. With the money we have raised in this short amount of time, we can already equip our boat with eight pairs of racing shoes and eight oar locks! If we keep this up, our boat will be on the water in no time! 

Happy Holidays!

December 22, 2014

Happy holidays and good New Year wishes to everyone who has participated in our campaign so far! We have made tremendous headway and are more than halfway to our goal! With the money we have raised so far, our boat now has all eight of its seats, a set of riggers, and all of the equipment mentioned in our past update.The generosity our campaign has recieved is very much appreciated. Don't forget to mention us to friends and family! Here's to floating our boat through the holiday season!

The Final Stretch

January 06, 2015

The outpouring of support we have experienced in the last couple of days has been absolutely amazing. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far. We are now less than one hundred dollars away from our goal! Having the money to buy the equipment that our boat will need is absolutley essential, and with such a small gap to close, our boat will be racing past the finish line in no time! Here's to the final stretch! 

Shattering Expectations

January 09, 2015

As our campaign comes to a close, I am pleased to say that Pitt Crew has demolished our $5,000 goal. The donations at the end of the campaign were what really pushed us past the finish line, and for that, a huge thank you to everyone who pulled together for our team. It is such a satisfying feeling to be able to look at our progress bar and see that the project that started at a mere 2% funded is now over 100% funded. This team has such an amazing support group - from everyone at Pitt Crew, thank you, and we look forward to seeing you on the water in the spring season. 


Our way
of Thanking You



Get a hand written thank you note from the crew!

18 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015



Get a hand written thank you note and an original Pitt Crew Poster

25 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


One Foot In

Get a hand written thank you and a mention on our website

11 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


Up and Over Heads

Get a hand written thank you and a personalized video

5 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


Ready to Row

Get a hand written thank you, an original Pitt Crew poster, and ride on the launch and watch at one of our practices!

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015


Varsity Status

Get a hand written thank you and a personalized Pitt Crew oar blade

0 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: January 2015
Our Crowdfunding Groups