Although this project has ended, if you would still like to make a donation to support Physical Therapy students, you may always do so here.
We are incredibly grateful for the support we've received. Thanks to our donors' generosity, we've managed to raise a total of $2,170, bringing us closer to our goal. Each donation has brought us nearer to the incredible learning and networking opportunities that the American Physical Therapy Combined Sections Meeting (CSM) offers. We want to extend our deepest appreciation to all our donors for their belief in our mission. Your support not only helps us attend the CSM but also fosters a stronger sense of collaboration and mentorship in the physical therapy community. Your contributions truly make a difference, and we are deeply thankful for your generosity. Thank you for helping us represent Pitt PT at CSM!
8 minutes is one unit of billable time with a PT. Thank you for taking a unit of your time to support Pitt PT!
Support our students in getting to CSM 2024 with a gift of $20.24! Thank you for helping us achieve our vision.
Thank you for helping us get to CSM to strengthen the neural connections in our brains!!
Washington, DC hosted the first CSM in 1976! Thank you for supporting our ability to maintain the legacy of excellence!
Our department's address is 100 Technology Drive, Bridge Side Point. Come visit anytime! Thank you for supporting our students in being able to attend CSM 2024!
This is the cost for one student’s early-bird conference fee! Thank you for supporting one of our classmates in getting to CSM!
Help us continue to be the next great PTs and experts of the Human Movement System!
Thank you for supporting multiple students’ ability to attend CSM!