Although this project has ended, if you would still like to make a donation to support the Elevate program, you may always do so here

ELeVATE: 2024 and Beyond

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
43 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on January 07, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

One Team; One Fight!

January 08, 2025

I would like to personally thank everyone who was able to donate to this fundraiser. For me, the ELeVATE program is a very personal endeavor, and not only because I am a product of it. When I joined the US Army, it was intended to be a career of service – one that was cut short by injury. I saw so many of our brothers and sisters exiting the military under similar conditions back then, and a large portion of them wanted to pursue their educational benefits. Transitioning from a scheduled active-duty role into an unfamiliar post-secondary education landscape can be daunting, especially for those who have not acclimated to the effects of their injuries.

I’m proud to lead the ELeVATE program curriculum here at HERL, where I’ve seen some of the most talented individuals excel and go on into rewarding careers. I’m proud to see my colleagues here and throughout the Pittsburgh area (and beyond) making waves for accessibility and universal design. I’m extremely proud of our student Veterans and the future they’re creating for themselves.

But I think I’m most proud of you, our stakeholders and allies who recognize the need for a program such as ELeVATE. Without your generosity, this program would not be possible. To know that we have this wonderful community of supporters at our side is to realize that, regardless of our backgrounds, we share a vision for a better, more equitable tomorrow.


One Team; One Fight!


Choose a giving level



Your contribution will allow a vet to take that first step towards a STEM career.



A contribution at this level will help cover the cost of program materials.



Your contribution at this level lets vets know they have a strong support network during their program.



Your contribution at this level will cover the cost of preparing a vet's poster board presentation.



A contribution at this level will help cover the housing stipend provided to vets during enrollment in ELeVATE.



You are a game-changer. Your contribution will be the catalyst for future success in a STEM field for a deserving veteran.



The servicemen and women who defend our liberties deserve our unwavering support. Your gift will honor their commitment to country and support them as they begin a new chapter in their lives.



Courage. Excellence. Character. Characteristics that define the soldier, and traits that will play an important role for former military as they enter college. Your gift signifies the highest level of respect and will instill confidence during their academic career.

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