Hello everyone!
Thank you very much for supporting this year’s PittAdvantage grant recipients by contributing to our EngagePitt campaign! Our campaign is now officially closed and with your help, we raised $1,004. This will allow us to award one more grant to a member of the OCC Honorary Society.
We have received over 50 applications and will be notifying students by the end of next week whether they’ve been awarded the grant. The PittAdvantage Grant would not be an option for our students without your support and we truly thank you for contributing. While our EngagePitt campaign is now closed, you can continue to support the grant by donating at http://www.giveto.pitt.edu/occpa.
Thank you again for your generosity!
Hi Everyone!
Last night was the annual Pitt vs. Steelers Charity Basketball Game at the Fitzgerald Field House...can you guess who won? That's right -- Pitt students claimed a victory!!! It was so nice to see everyone at the game supporting the students and our PittAdvantage Grant :)
All proceeds from the game (ticket and concession sales) go toward the PittAdvantage Grant and we hope to have raised enough for two additional grants for our OCC Honorary students!
With a little over a week left in our campaign, we still need your help to reach our goal of $7,500! If you've already contributed, THANK YOU - please consider sharing with your friends and family!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Amy and the OCC team
Hi everyone!
Thank you again for your generous support of the PittAdvantage Grant! The application deadline to receive a grant for this summer was last Friday, March 3rd and we received over 80 applications!!! While students are enjoying their spring break, the review committee will be busy going over applications and narrowing it down to the final 30 recipients. It's not an easy process as all students that submitted applications have worked very hard and chosen amazing experiences! Here is a breakdown of applications received this year:
With only 28 days left in our campaign, we're almost to 7% of our goal, or $500.00. If we reach our goal of $7,500, we'll be able to fund FIVE ADDITIONAL GRANTS to some very well-deserving students.
Join the other supporters of the campaign with a gift to the fund by visiting our website today https://engage.pitt.edu/project/5739
Even if you are unable to give, there are other ways you can help our campaign. Please spread the word to family, friends, and colleagues through Facebook, Twitter, email and other social media about the PittAdvantage Grant Campaign.
With many thanks,
Amy Lavallee, OCC Coordinator
University of Pittsburgh
Thank you everyone who has donated -- we have reached over 5% of our goal so far!! Every donation that we receive will be making a big difference for the OCC Honorary members awarded the PittAdvantage Grant this year.
February 28, 2017 is the University of Pittsburgh's Day of Giving. During this day, we are celebrating the University’s founding, the accomplishments of those who have gone before us, and the bright future ahead for today’s students! The PittAdvantage Grant hopes to contribute to the future of students who have completed the OCC by providing funds for them to study abroad, participate in service learning, or hold an unpaid internship.
While we have reached our first milestone, there are still many more leading up to our end goal. You can continue to help us get even closer to that goal by sharing this fundraiser with your connections! If we are within the top 3 organizations on the Pitt Day of Giving 'Pitt Experience' Leaderboard, your donations will be matched with up to $25,000! Donations of any level can be given during the day to help us climb the leaderboard. To donate to the PittAdvantage Grant, please visit pittdayofgiving.com and click the "Pitt Experience" tab at the top of the page.
Hello friends! I'm pleased to announce our PittAdvantage campaign is now live and we are able to accept donations! Students are diligently working on their grant applications for summer 2017 - which are due March 3rd. We've already received over 20 applications! As you may have heard, the PittAdvantage grant is not your typical study abroad scholarship. Students are required to complete 68 co-curricular requirements before even becoming eligible to apply. Then, they must justify why their experience will help them reach their intended career goals. I couldn't think of a group of more well-deserving students representing the true values of Pitt all around the world!
Thanks for contributing to student success!
Integrate an awareness of personal skills, abilities, values, and beliefs into the development of identity, a sense of purpose, and management of self.
Develop effective oral, interpersonal, and written communication skills.
Become conscious of the needs of others and commit to civic engagement and community service.
Gain knowledge, skills, and experience to lead others in achieving a common goal.
Understand diverse cultures and grow informed about issues that impact people, society, and nations.
Gain knowledge, skills, and experience to be competitive in obtaining employment or acceptance into graduate or professional school.
Improve knowledge, behaviors, and habits conducive to health and financial wellness.
Develop a personal definition of art derived from knowledge and experience. **Also, a donation at this level funds one grant!! THANK YOU!!!! :)
Develop a sense of belonging to the University and become engaged in the spirit and purpose of the community.
Conceptualize an ambitious goal and complete tasks needed to successfully achieve the goal.