We want to thank everyone who donated to the ISWP campaign. With your help, we will be able to support wheelchair professionals less resourced areas, through training and testing programs.
Please follow ISWP on Twitter and Facebook to keep up to date on the society.
Thanks Again,
ISWP Staff
ISWP’s campaign is nearing its end -- with 11 days remaining. Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far. We ask that you share this project with your family and friends. Your donation of any amount will go a long way to providing training and appropriate wheelchairs for consumers in less-resourced countries.
Check out our new video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isNoPPOYFrM#t=3m46s&t=0m45s
Jonathan Duvall, a graduate student in the Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology at the University of Pittsburgh, talks about his personal experience with wheelchairs and why it’s important to be trained in providing appropriate wheelchairs.
Please share this project with your friends and families, and donate today.
First, thank you for supporting our cause and so generously contributing to our crowdfunding campaign! We’re 3 weeks in and have already raised 20% of our mark - $1,000 of our $5,000 goal. At this point we are able to pay for supplies for a five-day in-person training session for 20 people in a developing country or provide 100 trainees with tests to demonstrate their proficiency in assessing and fitting consumers with appropriate wheelchairs.
Check put our new video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isNoPPOYFrM#t=3m46s
Yohali Burrola, a physical therapist with a master’s degree in Rehabilitation Science at the University of Pittsburgh and an International Society of Wheelchair Professionals team member, describes her experiences conducting wheelchair service training programs in less-resourced countries and how the society can help.
Please share this project with your friends and families, and donate today.
Support 1 trainee to demonstrate proficiency in wheelchairs through a test resulting in an international certificate that may help them get a job and ensure users are provided the best services.
Pay for supplies for a five-day in-person training session for 20 people in a developing country. 100% of the supplies will stay with the host organization.
Help to send University of Pittsburgh students around the world to support appropriate wheelchair service provision.