Ready to Learn (RTL) is a two year tutoring and mentoring program that prepares and connects Pitt students with high school students to provide the high schoolers with experiences that support their academic progress in math, English language arts, and social skill development. In addition, RTL college and high school students participate in social events and activities in and around the Pittsburgh community and the University of Pittsburgh in order to serve the Pittsburgh community and gain exposure to diverse and experiential community engagements.
To become effective mentors and tutors, the Pitt RTL students engage in seminar training sessions to build five competencies:
As a capstone project, the Pitt students and high school students will conduct an action research project and create a technological resource, focusing on the arts, that will further the academic and social progression of their high school students.
Tutoring and Mentoring – Two days a week, day classes and after school, weekly teacher lesson plans, weekly ninth-grade student progress evaluation forms, and pre- and post-tests
RTL Seminars – Lessons from experts from the field, readings and videos, engaging in whole-class/small group/partner/individual activities and discussions
Weekly Journal Reflections – One-page summaries of sophomores’ tutoring and seminar experiences
Community/University/CUE Events – Annual experiences, such as attending Hill District Education Council meetings, CUE Brown Bags Lunch discussions, CUE fall and spring lectures, Race: Are We So Different? at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History, and the University of Pittsburgh Center on Race and Social Problems lectures
Volunteering – RTL students participate in volunteer activities with the Food Bank and Pittsburgh Promise
RTL Assignments – Digital story project, Black History Month project, Social activity booklet, action research mini-report, Pitt mobile app challenge assignment, and culturally relevant pedagogy assignments
Sophomore Tutor/Mentors...
“I hope our scholars [ninth-grade] feel inspired by being in this program. I hope that we can continue to learn from each other”
“My mentees seem to enjoy the partnership we have with the food bank. They seem eager to go home with the recipes and share what they have learned.”
Ninth Grade Mentees...
“I want to be here because it is something positive and it’ll better my future”
“This program is very interesting, and its simply different from any other tutoring program I’ve heard of”
When you donate to Ready to learn, your generous contribution funds the materials and experiences that make this program successful
$25 Provides materials for a Ready to Learn Pitt Tutor to use in working with his/her mentee, including art supplies, writing and curricular materials.
$50 Pays for a semester of books and materials for one Ready to Learn Pitt Tutor.
$100 Pays for a full year of books and materials for one Ready to Learn Pitt Tutor.
$500 Funds an on-campus event for the Ready to Learn Tutors, the high school students, and their families.
$1000 Pays for an off-campus learning experience (such as a museum) for the Pitt Tutors and their high school mentees.
$2,000 Supports a semester of salary for a Ready to Learn Pitt Tutor and allows the program to serve 3-4 more high school students.
Thank you for taking this opportunity to donate now and help sustain Ready to Learn.
Your support at this level brings us closer to making Ready to Learn a sustainable program. Thank you!
Your support at this level will fund materials for a Ready to Learn Pitt Tutor to use in working with his/her mentee, this includes art supplies, writing and curricular materials.
Your support at this level will pay for a semester of books and materials for one Ready to Learn Pitt Tutor.
Your support at this level will pay for a full year of books and materials for one Ready to Learn Pitt Tutor.
Your support at this level will fund an on-campus event for the Ready to Learn Tutors, the high school students, and their families.
Your support at this level will pay for an off-campus learning experience (such as a museum) for the Pitt Tutors and their high school mentees.
Your support at this level will pay for a semester of salary for a Ready to Learn Pitt Tutor and allow the program to serve 3-4 more high school students.