Our campaign to raise funds for study abroad scholarships is now complete, and we're delighted to announce that $1,800.00 was raised. This will provide two $900.00 scholarships to students studying abroad in 2016. $900.00 is a substantial amount and will be welcome support for students struggling to afford the opportunity to study or intern abroad. We thank our donors for their generosity - their contributions will literally change two lives in the year ahead.
The European Studies Center's goal is to be part of the process that helps a student become an informed and successful global citizen. We work to provide students with the opportunities and resources that will enrich their education and contribute to their lives after graduation. Our effectiveness, however, has always relied on the expertise, creativity and support of the colleagues, alumni and friends who join us in our mission. We can't thank the donors in this campaign enough for counting themselves among them!
We are delighted to be 25% of the way towards our goal, and we can’t thank our donors enough for their support and generosity. Every dollar counts, of course, and even a small amount can make the difference for a student trying to take advantage of opportunities abroad. The money collected so far will help two students pursue study or internships abroad in the year ahead and, as so many of you know, the experience will be life changing and a centerpiece to their undergraduate experience. Recent events in the news, both at home and abroad, have highlighted how important cross cultural understanding and trans-regional cooperation has become and will be in the future. The European Studies Center is a place that helps students prepare for this future, and we appreciate our alumni, colleagues, and friends for their support of our efforts!
A gift of $20 could help a student with miscellaneous travel expenses on the way to their new city!
A gift of $100 could help a student buy a rail or bus pass to explore their new city!
A $1,000 donation could provide airfare for a student to travel to and from their host city.