Although this campaign has concluded, if you would still like to make a donation to support the Nurse Anesthesia Student Travel Fund, you may always do so here.
As our EngagePitt campaign ends, we cannot be more appreciative of the support you have demonstrated for our students. The alumni and friends of our department have given more than $21,000 in direct support of our Nurse Anesthesia Student Travel Sponsorship – more than any other year. These funds will go on to provide travel opportunities for our students this year, and beyond.
If you are attending the AANA Annual Congress this year, please be sure to register for our Pitt alumni reception at this link. Our faculty, staff and students look forward to seeing you in Boston!
Thank you! And as always, Hail to Pitt!
We are very appreciative of the generous support the Nurse Anesthesia Student Sponsorship fund has received over the last few weeks. With your gifts, we have far exceeded the goal of $15,000! The money raised will be used to fund anesthesia student travel in this – and future – years. With one week until this project officially closes, we look forward to breaking giving records from previous years to this fund!
Thank you again for your gifts to this fund. Hail to Pitt Anesthesia!
We are incredibly grateful for your generosity in supporting the Nurse Anesthesia Student Sponsorship. Because of your generosity, we have reached our campaign goal within the first days of the launch! This is TREMENDOUS news! We have 25 days remaining in our crowdfunding efforts, and we want to make the most of them. Inspired by your incredible response, we are increasing the goal to a total of $15,000, which will allow us to provide sponsorship support about 15 more students to attend AANA. Any amount over our goal will go to help fund future Nursing Anesthesia student travel.
Thank you again for your generous support, and Hail to Pitt Anesthesia!
Your contribution supports AANA attendance for the next generation of pioneers in the field!
Provide the inventors and innovators of tomorrow with a chance to expand their knowledge! This level supports half of the registration fee for one student.
Educate the leaders of tomorrow who will reimagine the profession! This gift will fully fund one student to attend the AANA conference.
Underwrite the full AANA attendance of two current students at this level, empowering them to improve their clinical skills and a foundation for success.
We all know that Pitt Nursing graduates are the best in the field! Inspire the next generation of nursing anesthetists by generously supporting four students to attend AANA.