Buy us an Arduino board. Arduino boards read inputs - such as light on a sensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn it into an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, or publishing something online. Your 25 bucks will keep us afloat with these and many other useful supplies, electronic components, and building materials.
We're hungry for dessert and have a craving. For pies. Raspberry PIs. Not edible, but these credit-card sized computers are pretty darn useful for technical stuff.
C3PO worries about problems. The Ambu aScope actually goes about solving them. For example: instant availability, ease of transport, and sterility straight from the packaging, requiring no further handling and reprocessing. Like C3PO, the Ambu aScope focuses on keeping people safe.
We're geeking out over Myo Gesture Armcontrol bands. If you loved using a remote to control your toy helicopter or car as a kid, this cuff-like tool will blow your former self's mind! Just as importantly, you can make sure our students don't hurt future patients by purchasing us a collection of sensors. Sensors help gauge pressure, damage, and pain in the simulator mannequin. A bit of a step up from the buzz alert in Hasbro's Operation.
You just (almost) bought us an Oculus Rift or an HTC VIVE development kit! We promise to use our new-found toys for good. (That includes playing Zombies on the Holodeck, right?) And we'll prove it, by giving you a tour of the lab and a hands-on demonstration of a simulator.
You're zooming in close to the biggest prizes of all - a 3-D printer! As a special thanks, in addition to a tour of the lab and a hands-on demonstration, we also will print a 3-D model of a human digestive system for you. It will make an excellent conversation piece - we know from experience. The largest donation over $1,000 will get to name a mannequin in the lab.