Thank you for visiting! This campaign has concluded, but you can continue to support the Harvey Borovetz Endowed Legacy Fund in Bioengineering here.

Harvey Borovetz Endowed Legacy Fund in Bioengineering

Raised toward our $8,000 Goal
56 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 09, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

We've surpassed our original goal!

March 31, 2021

Thank you, thank you for your support! We launched this campaign one week ago and have already surpassed our original goal. We are thrilled that the Harvey Borovetz Legacy Fund will become a reality. With such an overwhelming response, we’ve decided to up our goal to $18,000! Please help us continue to spread the word.

Choose a giving level


Students Supervised

Number of graduate students Dr. Borovetz has supervised


Years Teaching

Number of years Dr. Borovetz has spent teaching at Pitt


Refereed Articles

Number of refereed articles


Number of Abstracts

Number of abstracts


Bioengineering Graduates

Approximate number of Bioengineering graduates (undergraduate & graduate) during Dr. B's time as BioE Chair


Total Graduates

Total number of graduates from Bioengineering

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