Help students protect at-risk patients against the flu, during a year when it matters the most!
A course of nicotine replacement therapy in addition to counseling helps long-time smokers quit!
Essential supplies like gloves, thermometer covers, tongue depressors, exam table paper are used in every patient visit. Help keep these small but essential supplies stocked in our patient exam rooms.
Volunteers help facilitate routine care: glucose monitoring is an essential part of diabetic care that can make a big difference in a patient’s health!
Phone-based medical interpretation services can cost up to $3.00 a minute! Our student volunteers from SALUD support our LatinX patient populations through their generous donation of time and Spanish language skills! Match their contribution by donating the cost of 2.75 hours of a Spanish Interpretation Service.
Twelve medical student volunteers contribute a combined 200 hours of volunteer time a month at the Women’s Center Clinic. Donate $5 for each hour spent serving women recovering from intimate partner violence.
Our volunteers obtain necessary skills as future Pitt professionals through on-site training - but they need updated exam rooms and a fully stocked pharmacy to do so. You can continue to support their education by making a generous donation of $2,000!