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PMGC: WWI Memorial Concert Series

Raised toward our $18,000 Goal
432 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 28, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

We need your help again!

November 05, 2019

Hello Friends, Family, and Alumni of the Glee Club,


Thank you so much for your dedicated support of the Glee Club over the years. Your contributions have greatly helped support our sound in the past, and we are looking for help once again. This spring, the Pitt Men’s Glee Club will be headed to Northern Italy, Austria, and Slovenia to accept our invitations to multiple international music festivals. In order to provide financial support for as many of our members as possible, we have launched a new EngagePitt campaign


It’s because of generous donors like you that Pitt Men’s Glee Club has stood the test of time and provided countless opportunities for Pitt students over the past 129 years. We are currently in the final stretch of our 2020 International Tour campaign, and we would sincerely appreciate your support. Please help us once again to continue our Glee Club tradition of impressing incredible European choirs.


View our newest page and make your gift to the PMGC 2020 International Tour below:


Thank you, and H2P!


Zachary Spicer 

PMGC President 2019-2020



Thank You!

April 05, 2017

This is a final THANK YOU from the members of the Pitt Men’s Glee Club!

We raised $22,708 during our 2-month campaign, through 257 donors on our EngagePitt site plus an additional 175 donors via the Pitt Day of Giving in late February, for a grand total of 432 donors to this campaign!!!

The amount raised has led to each of our members paying half of the original amount to go on this tour to Belgium and the Netherlands. We now have 41 members from our group attending this tour, which is many more than originally were able to go. This would not have been possible without the support we received from this campaign.

Our EngagePitt campaign is now officially closed, but you are able to donate to the club any time at if you are feeling generous in the future.

Thank you for all of your support, and Hail to Pitt!


Brothers in Song, Sing on!

March 27, 2017

Friends, alumni, and cherished donors,

Thank you SO much for your generous support of the Pitt Men’s Glee Club. Our campaign was able to raise over $21,000 in just two months. Because of this campaign, the cost of our tour per member has halved. Over 40 members of the Glee Club will be attending this tour, many of whom would not be able to attend without your generosity and support.

               Although our campaign is ending, our work is not yet over. Our members just recently were able to start looking over the signature piece for this tour, R. Vaughan William’s Dona Nobis Pacem, which will be performed in conjunction with three (3) European Choirs and a full orchestra. The remaining repertoire for this concert will be taken from our spring set as well as several additional spirituals that will be learned between now and October. More information on Dona Nobis Pacem can be found at .

               Again, thank you for your continued support of the University of Pittsburgh Men’s Glee Club. Our concert is on April 8th, 2017 at 4:00 P.M. EST and will be live-streamed on our YouTube channel, . Stay tuned for our future endeavors!

Correction on Pitt Day of Giving

February 28, 2017

A quick correction: the Pitt Day of Giving is  TODAY, February 28th, 2017. We apologize for the error - more care will taken with these updates in the future. Again, the link is Thank you!

Pitt Day of Giving

February 28, 2017

THANK YOU for your heartwarming generosity – thanks to your help, we have made over 90% of our adjusted goal of $18,000, just on the cusp of our spring domestic tour to the Northeast. If you will be in the Philadelphia, New York, Hartford, or Boston metropolitan areas from March 5-12, please check for our concert dates in these areas.

As part of the 230th birthday of the University of Pittsburgh, the Pitt Day of Giving will commence tomorrow, February 28th, and the Pitt Men’s Glee Club has enrolled in this program! Each student organization who receives money through will compete to see who receives the highest number of gifts. Organizations who receive the highest number of gifts will receive more funding for their program!

We have been blown away already by your support and generosity, but we would absolutely appreciate if you or your network would be able to support us this upcoming Pitt Founder’s Day. Thank you, and Hail to Pitt!!


February 20, 2017

I made a mistake in the last update. I said that we would be raising our goal to $20,000.  In fact, we changed our goal to $18,000.  The error has been corrected on the update but not on the emails so I just wanted to let you all know.  Sorry for the mix-up.

Alex Rowden, Social and Outreach Chair

2nd Goal Accomplished

February 18, 2017

Wow. We are beyond words. Together, we have reached our second goal with over a month to go on this project.  We are incredibly grateful for your help in getting us here. Because of your generosity, the goal has been raised once again. This time, it has moved to $18,000. 

The Glee Club has finished writing all the letters for the letter-writing campaign and are currently working hard to prepare for the our upcoming domestic tour to New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Granby CT over Spring Break. 

For more details on the upcoming tour visit

Thank you,

Alex Rowden, Social and Outreach Chair

Stellar Progress on our Reach for the Stars

February 08, 2017

Thank you SO MUCH for your continued support!

In just two weeks our campaign has been able to double our goal, and we are now at 70% of our adjusted goal! We couldn’t have gotten this far so quickly without your support. We still have over 6 weeks left in this campaign and we will continue to push hard to spread the word on this campaign.

Our true goal is to make this trip as affordable as possible for current members. Several members of the Glee Club have reached out to officers letting us know that the cost of the trip is the number one reason for members not being able to go on this trip. As this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we would like it to be possible for all members to go. If you haven’t donated yet, please consider helping us reach our goal. We hope that with your continued support and the support of others we will make this a reality!

Jake Clarin, a junior, Neuroscience major, and our current baritone section leader, has this to say on his experience in the Glee Club:

“I didn’t sing before I joined Glee Club. I played the saxophone, guitar and piano. The voice is an instrument too, and everyone has their own distinct vocal aesthetic. In a choir, though, you’ve got to have one coherent sound. And that is what is special about this group. We spend so much time learning vocal technique and working on nuances to perfect a piece.

“Going on tour is the best way to share our commitment with as many people as possible outside of Pittsburgh. This is a big opportunity; I never would have dreamed, in a million years, that I would be going to Belgium to sing in a men’s chorale. I’m incredibly excited to perform with my friends!”


Jake Clarin, Baritone Section Leader

Thank you again – we will check in next week with another update on our progress!


Goal Met, Goal Raised

January 31, 2017

        We underestimated your generosity! In less than a week we have reached our initial goal of $6000 and we would just like to take a moment to thank all of you for your donations. Due to the fact that we reached our goal so quickly, we have decided to double our goal to $12,000. Because of the success we have already had, more members are able to go on tour. Our goal is to raise enough donations, such that everyone who wants to participate in this life-changing event can.

        Since we launched we have been busy.  To start off, we have been busy writing letters to Alumni and Family as part of our letter writing campaign. Thus far we have sent around 800 letters and plan to send approximately 200 more.  Each letter was personally signed by a member of the glee club and I have attached a picture of the basses and baris writing messages to their friends and family. Also, on Friday we held our annual Spaghetti Dinner.  This year we sold over 200 tickets.  We had a great time performing and hosting the Songburghs, an A'Capella group on campus.

        Again we would like to thank all of you that have given to our campaign. Your support means a great deal to us.

-Alex Rowden, Social and Outreach Chair


A Successful Launch!

January 26, 2017

Hello! Welcome to the 2017 Pitt Men’s Glee Club Engage Campaign, started in order to help fund PMGC’s World War I Memorial Concert Series in Belgium and the Netherlands. As you may know, the Pitt Men’s Glee Club has been invited by the Belgian government to perform at a World War I 100th Year Memorial Event in Flanders Fields, Belgium. We will be one of four choirs in the world attending, and the only American choir at the event. We will also be performing in Amsterdam and other locations in Belgium at smaller venues. This will be a five day tour from October 4-9, 2017, and we need your help in order to help fund this momentous occasion for us.

               Our goal is to raise $6000 by March 25, 2017, and we can’t do it without your contribution to our campaign. Every donation goes directly to our organization, and is 100% tax deductible! Your donation may provide some nicer figures for your April 15th deadline. ;)

               Thanks to your help, we have raised $1,187 on our first day alone. This is 19% of our goal, and we couldn’t be more grateful. However, our work is not done: we have two months remaining in our campaign – as is said in our dear Alma Mater, “thou shalt conquer as of yore”.  

               We are incredibly excited for this opportunity and want to ensure that every member who wants to go can go without finances being an issue. We are still incredibly grateful for the support we received for our campaign in 2015 to tour Italy, and those of us that went on that tour will have those memories for a lifetime. Please donate to our cause today, and join us as we post updates on our progress throughout this campaign!

Choose a giving level


Alma Mater

Our concerts traditionally begin with our university's Alma Mater, and our Belgium concert will start no differently! Your contribution will help us warm up our vocal chords so we can make our school proud.


Wise and Glorious

The members of the Glee Club may change, but no one can argue with the fact that the club has been "Dowered with eternal youth" with its fresh young faces.


Dowered with Eternal Youth

The University of Pittsburgh was founded in 1787 in a log cabin on the North Side, as the story goes. The Pitt Men's Glee Club always puts our school first!


Years of Song

Now in our 127th season, the Pitt Men's Glee Club is the oldest non-athletic student organization on campus. We're excited for this season to bring us such a momentous opportunity!


Dear Old Pittsburgh

Pitt is celebrating its 230th birthday this February - we hope the cake can fit all those candles!


Flanders Fields

Our main performance on this tour will be in gorgeous Flanders Fields, Belgium! With your support, this money will go towards paying for flights and other transportation to ensure that this tour goes swimmingly.


Hard Times Come Again No More

This Stephen Foster piece has been a cornerstone of the Glee Club's repertoire for decades - with your support, its title can become a reality!



You are a true supporter of our sound. We have been making music since 1890 and for 127 years we have been providing the University of Pittsburgh with our sound. This amount will cover roughly the entire cost of one member's trip. With your support, we can ensure that our song will never die.

Our Crowdfunding Groups