Happy New Year! Our campaign has officially concluded and we are in the process of purchasing new jerseys!
After a long relaxing break, school is back in session, so that means rugby is too. We are preparing for our upcoming season and are very stoked to get our season rolling and cannot wait to debut our new uniforms. We wouldn’t have been able to do this without you! We are so grateful for each and every donation!!
Thank you so much!
We are so happy to announce that we have officially reached AND surpassed our goal with 2 days still remaining in our campaign!
We would like to send a huge thank you to all of our donors. We could not have reached this amazing milestone without your support. Please continue to share our page and spread the word about our campaign as we still have 2 days to donate left. We appreciate every donor and supporter!
Its officially our final week! The amount of support we have received so far is absolutely humbling, and we would like to thank each and every contributor for their generous donation.
We only need about $700 to reach our goal! Please share our fundraising link with everyone you know and help us raise that last little bit!
Again, thank you SO much for all the donations, we appreciate it more than you know. You are making a huge impact on our team!
Happy holidays!
Another week down, and we have officially raised over $2,000 for our project which is amazing! Thank you all for your kind donations, we appreciate them more than you know!
With finals season upon us, we are all stressed but seeing all the support we have received is amazing. However, with only 12 days left, we still need to push to reach our goal. Please continue to spread the word about our fundraiser to get help us get fully funded!
Happy holidays!
WOW! After only 1 week, we’ve managed to raise 50% of our goal!
We would like to thank each and every donor for their contribution to helping us get one step closer to purchasing our new jerseys. Please continue to share our link, as we still have 3 weeks left!
Again, thank you for your support and donations thus far. We appreciate your everything!!
This level of donation will supply 1 pair of shorts to a player! Thank you!
This level of donation will supply 1 player with a complete uniform! Thank you!
This level of giving will supply 2 players with a complete uniform! Thank you!
This level of giving will supply 4 players with a complete uniform! Thank you!