Thank you all for your generous donations toward our Match Day Ceremony. We had a fantastic Match Day and are all extremely excited to be moving onto residency in only a few short months. Our class was thrilled with the results of the Match and are headed to phenomenal hospitals across the country. With your help, we raised $3,600, well over our original goal, and were able to have the Match Day that we were dreaming of after four years of medical school. I hope that you were able to visit the Petersen Event Center and celebrate with us, but if you weren't, please watch the video below to see highlights of the ceremony. Thank you all again for your support and generosity.
The Class of 2018 Officers, James, Nuwan, Paul, and Christine
Hi Everyone!
Thank you all so much for continuing to donate toward our Match Day Ceremony. Thanks to the Medical Alumni Association, School of Medicine Dean's Office, and generous donors like you, we have reached our goal for the fundraiser. With your help, we were able to book the Petersen Event Center, secure catering for the event, purchase wonderful decorations, and provide small gifts to the graduating students.
We were also able to set up a Live Stream of the event, available at the Pitt Med Medical Alumni Association's website, or directly via this link. If you can't join us in person, make sure to tune into the event on March 16th, 2018 at 11:00 AM. We will open our envelopes at noon!
Thank you again!
James, Nuwan, Christine, Paul, and the rest of the Class of 2018
Thank you to all the amazing donors who have made gifts to our project so far! In a short time, we've already made it past 50% of our goal!!
With your help, we have officially reserved the Petersen Events Center for our Match Day celebration on March 16th. We have also designed Match Day t-shirts that we will be providing for everyone in the class! Nothing like matching (shirts) on match day, right?
Despite all this progress, we still need your help! The rest of the funds we raise will go towards providing a catered lunch and great match-themed decorations - including a map where all the students will be able to pin their names and programs!
Thanks again for all of your support so far, we're looking forward to seeing you in a few short weeks!
Your donation will fund a special, custom T-shirt for a member of the senior class!
A donation at this level will fund a platter of hors d’oeuvres for students and their families to enjoy throughout the ceremony. We appreciate this donation immensely, as many of us will be stress-eating throughout the event!
This donation will help fund a Live-Stream of our ceremony so families and alumni, as well as physicians and students who cannot attend, can watch the event in real-time.
This donation will go towards an after-Ceremony event to promote class unity and allow an intimate gathering of Senior medical students to celebrate our Match.
A donation of this level will allow us to hire professional photographers to take high-quality photographs of our ceremony that will last a lifetime. Thank you!
Thank you so much! This donation will go a long way towards securing the Petersen Event Center, a beautiful, vibrant venue for our event.