Although their campaign has concluded, if you would still like to make a donation to support Pitt Men's Glee Club, you may always do so here.

PMGC International Tour 2020

Raised toward our $20,000 Goal
211 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on November 10, at 11:59 PM EST
Project Owners

Thank You!

November 19, 2019

Although we didn’t quite meet our goal, as our last few mail-in donations arrive we’re sitting at around $19,110; a little over 95% of our goal!


We want to thank everyone that donated to our cause. You have provided our members with a much better means of attending this tour and sharing our love for music with others. Although it will no longer go towards our goal on the page, you can continue to make donations to our cause, which will continue to subsidize the cost of tour for our members.


Thank you again, and H2P!

The Pitt Men’s Glee Club

Siftung Mozarteum

November 05, 2019

Hey everyone!


We’re in the homestretch now. You’ve all already helped us so much in raising money for this tour. $14,445 is an incredible amount of money that will significantly reduce costs for our members, and it’s all thanks to your dedicated and passionate patronage. 


One of the premiere destinations on our tour, both in location and concert is Salzburg, Austria. The fourth largest city in Austria, Salzburg is the home of famed composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart! We will be performing in the Messiah Festive Concert in the Great Hall of the Stiftung Mozarteum, with choirs from all across Europe. This festival has been a tradition since the 19th century!


In these last days, we want to push towards our goal and get every last bit of help before the donation window closes. Please share this page with your friends or consider making another donation - every little bit counts towards making this trip more accessible to our members. 


Thank you so much from all of our members!



The Pitt Men’s Glee Club



Half-Way To Our Goal!

October 29, 2019

Hello everyone,


We’re already a month into our EngagePitt campaign and we couldn’t be happier to announce that we are halfway to our goal. Already we’ve raised $10,000 but we aren’t ready to give up just yet! 


With your help, we’ve already reduced the cost of tour significantly for each of our participating members. With the next $10,000, we could reduce that cost by double! Please consider sharing our campaign with friends, family, fellow alumni, and others in your community. We can not reach our goal without you! 


Thank you so much!



Pitt Men’s Glee Club


Thank you to our 102 donors!

October 16, 2019

Hello everyone! 


I hope all of your October’s have gotten off to a great start. We’re so overwhelmed by the support we have received thus far, and would like to thank our first 102 donors for their contributions. $7,227 will go a LONG way in helping our members take part in our international tour in May of 2020.


We wanted to share with you a performance of a song that’s close to our hearts. “Irish Blessing” is a staple in the Glee Club’s repertoire, and its text conveys a message of hope and encouragement to those going on a long journey. 


We hope you enjoy it! Thanks again for your donations. If you are able, considering making another donation or sharing this page using this link,, to spread the word to friends and family so they can get the chance to support our sound.



The Pitt Men’s Glee Club


Progress Towards Our Goal

October 08, 2019

Hello everyone! 


Thank you for the overwhelming support. We’re currently at $4,410, that much closer to our ultimate goal.


With this update, we wanted to give an explanation of the May 1st Choral Festival which we’ve been invited to participate in. The festival hosts men’s, women’s, and mixed choirs from around the world to showcase choral talent and diversity. The event is held in Salzburg, a beautiful city in Austria which we know will be a pleasure for our members to experience.


We’ll be back with more updates on the tour as the weeks progress. Thanks again for your generous donations. 



The Pitt Men’s Glee Club


Choose a giving level


Alma Mater

Our concerts traditionally begin with our university's Alma Mater, and our tour concerts will start no differently! Your contribution will help us warm up our vocal cords so we can make our school proud.


Hail to Pitt

Your generous donation will help us to share our sound and our Pitt pride with an international audience.


Hard Times Come Again No More

Even a small amount can go a long way in helping us share our sound with the world! Chip in a bit and help keep the hard times away.


Eternal Youth

The University of Pittsburgh was founded in 1787 in a log cabin on the North Side, as the story goes. The Pitt Men's Glee Club always puts our school first!


A Brother in Song

Now in our 130th season, the Pitt Men’s Glee Club is continuing its long and celebrated tradition of excellence in men’s choral music. We’re excited for the immense opportunities that this year will bring!


May the Road Rise Up

One of the biggest financial burdens for our participating members is the cost of airfare to and from Europe. With your support, we can ensure that one members journey will be that much more accessible.


An Irish Blessing

Irish Blessing has been a staple of the Glee Club repertoire for over 6 years. Give your own version of the blessing with your generous support to our singers.



You are a true supporter of our sound. We have been making music since 1890 and for 130 years we have been blessed to share our sound with the University of Pittsburgh. This amount will cover roughly the entire cost of one member's trip. With your support, we can ensure that our song will never die.

Our Crowdfunding Groups