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Project Paw Print- The 2016 Senior Class Gift to Pitt

Raised toward our $7,132 Goal
441 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on May 01, at 11:59 PM EDT
Project Owners

Project Paw Print- The 2016 Senior Class Gift to Pitt


Although the Project Paw Print campaign has concluded, if you would still like to make a gift to help the class of 2016 make their mark, you can do so here.


What are we doing?

We are paying it forward! Project Paw Print is about supporting each other, building a community, and making our mark on the University. We thought long and hard about what we wanted our legacy to be. Should it be a bench? A plaque? A few trees? After thinking about how unique the class of 2016 is, we knew we needed to do something that would have a lasting impact on our fellow Panthers, and thus, the Senior Legacy Student Resource Fund was born. 

The Senior Legacy Student Resource Fund is our way of supporting the Pitt community and saying thank you to the University. The fund will help a rising sophomore, junior, and/or senior Pitt student pay for books, lab fees, travel, and other educational expenses. These are expenses every student has and if we can unite to make someone's semester a little less stressful by donating a few dollars...well that's a no brainer!

Why is Project Paw Print important?

Pitt has supported us since we stepped foot on campus. The University gave us the tools we needed to grow both academically and personally. Each one of us almost alumni has been supported by both Pitt and each other during out precious time here on campus. Project Paw Print is about uniting our class so we can pay it forward and make our mark on campus. It is a way for us to strengthen the Pitt community, create a culture of philanthropy and impact Pitt students for years to come.

"We worked to identify the needs of students and came up with the idea to raise funds. The Senior Legacy Student Resource Fund is sustainable. It’s not something that can be used up in one year and then be forgotten. The fund can continue to grow and help students year after year.

        -Ben Schultz- Co-Chair

Below: Nadia Pacheco Amaro informing a senior student about Project Paw Print

What’s the goal?

Our goal is to raise money for the Senior Legacy Student Resource Fund, which will help a rising sophomore, junior, and/or senior Pitt student pay for books, lab fees, travel and other educational expenses. The more we raise, the more students we can impact. Our hope is that future Pitt seniors will understand the importance of this fund and continue to help it grow so it can become endowed. If it reaches that point, it can last forever. 

However, this is about more than raising money. We are also trying to come together to create a culture of philanthropy and strengthen the Pitt community. We all do so much to balance our schedules, work, complete internships, and be active in our clubs and organizations; with Project Paw Print, we can show that we care about one another and that we want to give back to make it just a little bit easier for a fellow Panther.

How can you make your mark?

Donate: Gifts, no matter the size will make an impact, get us closer to our goal, and help future students pay for books, lab fees, travel, and other educational expenses.

Spread the word: Almost all of us are involved in one or more clubs. Let them know how they can make their mark by showing them our website or sharing this page with them!

Social Media: It’s so natural for us to get out of our seats after class and check Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Let’s face it, it’s a habit. Take a few moments to share our pages, engage with our posts, or even give us a shout out!

Thank You!

The Class of 2016 Leadership Team would like to thank you for supporting Project Paw Print! With your help, we will be able to support Pitt students for many years to come.

Megan Schlegelmilch- Co-Chair

Ben Schultz- Co-Chair

Kim Goldstein- Peer Educator

Nadia Pacheco Amaro- Stewardship Coordinator

Amy Check- Communication Coordinator

Ryan Foley- Social Media Coordinator

Nicky LePore- Event Coordinator and Historian

Class of ’16, let’s use these last few weeks to pay it forward and make our mark!




Choose a giving level


Make Your Mark

Every gift makes a difference


Hail to Pitt!

We will be the class of 2016 forever. Giving in honor of our class year will help commemorate our Pitt experience.


Gotta Click In!

Your $50 gift could help a student get the clickers they need to check into class. It could also help them get materials like lab goggles, binders, and notebooks so they can Make Their Mark at Pitt!


Access Granted

Your $100 gift will give help a student pay for lab fees, book access codes, and student activity fees so they start changing the world!


Stack 'em Up

Your $250 dollar gift could pay for a whole semester's worth of books!

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