It’s that time of year again—SHPE Nationals are approaching! Our club has been working hard all year to raise enough money to send our members to another amazing National Conference.
We would like to take this opportunity to first thank you for supporting our campus chapter of the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers last year. Because of your gifts, we were able to send a group of Pitt students to Seattle to attend the 2016 National Conference. This event helped our students build their professional networks, strengthen their resumes, and learn tips from other professionals about succeeding in the industry. We could not be more appreciate of your support and donations!
We would like to announce that we have begun a new EngagePitt fundraiser to help fund our trip to the 2017 National Conference! We hope to raise $1,500 to cover the cost of airfare for Pitt SHPE students. We have raised $400 so far, and have ONE WEEK LEFT to raise the additional amount needed to hit our goal.
Click here to view our new campaign page, take a look at what the SHPE National conference offers, and learn why attending the conference means so much to our students! While you are at it, we would be so appreciative if you would click the GIVE NOW button and support us again this year.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the part you play in allowing us to learn and grow as professionals.
Hail to Pitt,
Pitt Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
It has been a busy month for SHPE! We have begun planning for Nationals and getting ready to send students to Seattle.
A huge reason why we are able to send our students is because of everyone's help on our EngagePitt campaign! We want to say thank you to everyone who donated. With every donation, it made it easier on our students to go to the National Conference. We could not be more excited for our students to learn so many things in Seattle!
Thank you again!
SHPE's EngagePitt Team: Solange, Lynn and Malik
Start with the basics! Not only is this Brazilian snack a delicious baked cheese roll, the donation will help us cover some of the registration costs for students.
Alfajores are popular cookies found among different countries in South America, including Peru and Argentina. These delicious cookies are so sweet, just like you! This helps cover some of a students registration fee.
Just like this tasty deep fried plaintian, you're so sweet! Your donation will help us send more of our students to SHPE's National Conference.
Tamal is a dish very common; it's a sweet cornbread with different fillings inside. It's super nice, just like you! Thanks to your great donation, we are able to pay a registration fee for a person!
Taco's are awesome. With the different versions throughout Latin America, it's a new experience each time. Thanks to your generous donation, we are able to too! This lets us cover almost two students' entire registration fee.
A huge meal stuffed into a tiny dough dumpling is what an Empanada is. Its cute but super tasty. Your generous donation will let us send two students to the SHPE National Conference. Thank you!
This rice dish with different vegetables and meat is a great meal, especially for dinner. With your amazing donation, we can send three students to the conference with no registration fee!
Full of fresh seafood seasoned perfectly, Ceviche is a tasty dish that reflects different Latin countries' amazing seafood. Your fantastic donation will help us send five amazing students to SHPE's National Conference. It also could pay for a students ENTIRE trip. Thank you so much!